[Lazarus] PowerPDF Installation

CCC CCC cc_ at freemail.hu
Fri May 9 21:01:42 CEST 2008


 Replace  "LazJPEG"  with  "FPReadJpeg, FPWriteJpeg" in the uses  section.

  - Leslie -

Lee Jenkins <lee at datatrakpos.com> írta: 

> Hi all,
> I noticed that JPegForLazarus has been replaced with ImagesForLazarus.
> I'm trying to install powerpdf into my ide and I have:
> 1. Installed ImagesForLazarus.
> 2. Removed required of JpegForLazarus from the powerpdf package.
> 3. Added ImagesForLazarus as a requirement to powerpdf package.
> 4. Attempt to compile powerpdf package.
> However, lazarus still complains that it cannot find LazJPEG which I can see is 
> included in the ImageForLazarus package.
> Any advice?
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Warm Regards,
> Lee
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