[Lazarus] Linux Installation Advise

Lee Jenkins lee at datatrakpos.com
Sun May 18 15:31:57 CEST 2008

ik wrote:
> I'd never used Lazarus with CentOS (it is a server distro for Linux,
> and it is not suitable enough for desktop use, use Fedora for desktop
> use instead if you wish to have redhat approach).

Hmmm.  I'm no distro expert by any stretch, Ido but isn't it the same if I don't 
choose all the server related software on install and choose the desktop 
oriented path?

> For GTK2, you should install libgtk2* that is the libraries of GTK2
> and also do not forget to install pixbuf of GTK2.
> The same for GTK1.2 (but who use it this days anyway ?!)

I found this out last night since even the lazarus snapshot RPM's don't seem to 
indicate these as dependencies, maybe assumed that they already exist on the 
machine and the person installing has a modicum of knowledge about GUI 
development on Linux ;)

> After you have installed all of the above, you can compile (don't you
> have a spec file for creating Lazarus in RPM ?!) and install Lazarus.

No, I don't.  Is there another use for a spec file other than creating an RPM?


Warm Regards,


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