[Lazarus] Forms Color on Linux

Michael Van Canneyt michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be
Fri May 23 16:36:42 CEST 2008

On Fri, 23 May 2008, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

> Lee Jenkins wrote:
> > 
> > Hmmm.  That's a bit unfortunate.  I get the idea of theming and centralizing the 
> > user feel, etc but that doesn't take into account task based applications.
> Exactly our issue as well. We have a GUI application designed for kids 
> and need it colourful. We also have a admin GUI application designed for 
> our franchises and needed custom (corporate) colours overall. We also 
> use colour for input validation forms. Most of these worked when we ran 
> under Windows, but not when it's run under Linux. Defeats the purpose of 
> cross platform apps. Our custom drawn toolkit solves all these issues.
> > I've noticed also that other things like MouseDown and MouseUp seem to act 
> > differently (kind of sluggish) in GTK1/2 or maybe its Gnome in general.  That's 
> > a show stopper for me.
> Which components? LCL-GTK2 does feel slow compared to other non-LCL GTK2 
> based applications. GTK1 (I've got the Lazarus IDE compiled with in) 
> seems okay.

In view of all the double buffering, I'm not surprised that the GTK2 version 
works slow. Double buffering is evil (tm) unless you do moving graphics.


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