[Lazarus] malformed ifdef in gtkdefines.inc

Aleš Katona almindor at gmail.com
Sun Nov 9 12:08:45 CET 2008

Please everyone, don't duplicate effort. I've started a "gtkext" unit in packages/gtk2/src/gtkext which adds [all] 2.8+ stuff in a way which can be checked.

It works like this:
Say you got a new calls for componentX in 2.8 and also some other new calls in 2.10. You add these calls as dynamic loadable in a .inc file (named after the component) and add a Available_ComponentName_Version
(e.g Available_GtkButton_2_12) function for EACH version in which a new thing is loadable. You also make Load and Free calls for the lib's syms and add those to init/fini of gtk2ext.pp.

I've already added some stuff, so please instead of bickering here, add your missing stuff in and use it from gtkext.

We'll eventually need also a "gdkext" probably tho.

Aleš Katona <almindor at gmail.com>

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