[Lazarus] Lazarus repository in Git (summary)

Reenen Laurie rlaurie at gmail.com
Mon Nov 10 08:55:31 CET 2008

>From what I've heard... Git is better in most circumstances, excepting
complexity, (G)UI, and Windows compatibility.

So, Graeme can keep up the Git repository, until the time that Git sorts out
those issues, then we already have a repository converted, and it'll take
little to no time to convert everyone (if all votes Aye!).

Also I guess if SourceForge starts offering Git, that'll show that it's
become a standard in the industry.  (Do they already?)

On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 11:57 AM, Graeme Geldenhuys
<graemeg.lists at gmail.com>wrote:

> On 11/6/08, Vincent Snijders <vincent.snijders at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > For you git is probably better, I suggest you start using it. IIRC, you
> >  can use git as a front to an existing svn server.
> That's what I am doing now. :-)  I've never used Git before yesterday.
> So I'll use my Git wrapped Lazarus repository and see how it goes. I
> have my crypt notes on a post-it note showing me the equivalent SVN
> commands for Git. So far the commands are straight forward.
> Regards,
>  - Graeme -
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,_.>/ _
...speed is good
I believe five out of four people have a problem with fractions.
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