[Lazarus] Running Lazarus GTK1 (32bit) via a remote X11 from 64bit Linux

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Mon Nov 24 09:27:28 CET 2008

Brad Campbell wrote:
> Is there any way of setting the default background colour of a line from a SynHighlighter?
> I need to change the background colour based on the currently assigned range. I have been doing it 
> with a hack to synedit that leaves the background colour the same as the bgcolour of the last token 
> attribute on each line, but it's nasty and I'd rather find a correct way to do it.
You could have a whole range of tokens(id), for which the background 
color was what you wanted, then you would return the token(id) from the 
appropriate range.

Another workaround would be to write a special SynMarkup-class (like 
match-brackets, current selection, special line), to go with the 


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