[Lazarus] IDE: Win32: MouseWheel Scrolling (SynEdit)

Martin Friebe lazarus at mfriebe.de
Mon Oct 27 13:17:49 CET 2008

Christian Budde wrote:
> Hello,
> I just worked a bit with lazarus after some month. It's still quite 
> impressive how good it works. On the other hand it's sad that so many 
> things do not work yet. Especially in Win32 IMHO it's still easier to 
> work in Delphi and only switch to Lazarus when necessary.
> The reasons for this are so many small which simply doesn't work right 
> or are anoying. One thing I'd like to mention here is the fact that in 
> Delphi you can scroll in the editor by more than a line if you hold 
> [CTRL] pressed while scrolling with the mouse. It's been in the since ages!
> I just had a look in the 'synedit.pp' and it seems to be in there as 
> well. However, it is if defined out. It seems as if the mouse wheel 
> scrolling is handled elsewhere. Unfortunately I'm not that familar with 
> the IDE (I did a grep for MouseWheel, but could only find that an 
> TWouseWheelEvent is fired, but not where to find this).
Hi, I am not 100% sure, but I had a tiny bit of exposure to this before.

There is a lot more happening to mousewheel handling, and it's hidden in 
the LCL. First is that the Mousewheel event is sometimes redirected (at 
least under Windows). Windows does sent it to the active Window. LCL 
does redirect it to the Window over which the mouse currently hovers.

Have a look at  http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=11768 it gives 
some hints where the Message goes.

I don't remember all of it, and it's Windows only (so you must find the 
other OS yourself)
lcl\interfaces\win32\win32winapi.inc line 180
The Msg send to Synedit is WM_HScroll or something like this. It is also 
worth checking i f the Msg goes th Synedit or the Scrollbar

Good look with this.  Hope someone else can shine some more light on it.

> Could someone give me a hint where to find and fix this. Or explain me, 
> why the available code in the synedit.pp file can't be used?
> If I could help out to solve this issue I'd be glad to 'fix' some more 
> (like the annoying Shift+Click, that triggers slightly wrong and makes 
> me continuously enter the wrong unit).
Can you give an example  what exactly goes wrong with the shift click, 
please? (And which OS?)
> Kind regards,
>     Christian
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