[Lazarus] TDateEdit.Date is not published...why?

Luca Olivetti luca at wetron.es
Thu Apr 23 16:51:00 CEST 2009

En/na Vincent Snijders ha escrit:
> Vincent Snijders schreef:
>> Graeme Geldenhuys schreef:
>>> Hi,
>>> Is there any specific reason why TDateEdit.Date is not published?
>>> That's kind of an important property for that component.
>> You would have to ask Mattias and Aleksey:
>> http://svn.freepascal.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi?view=rev&root=lazarus&revision=10189 
> Googling for: Can somebody explain me the reasons behind the changes in 
> revision 10189?
> gives:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/lazarus@miraclec.com/msg12342.html

As a side note, nulldate is actually set to a valid date (0 is 
30/12/1899), not a common date in everyday use, but one could need it 
if, say, managing historical records.
Maybe a more sensible nulldate would be JulianDate or -DateDelta?

Luca Olivetti
Wetron Automatización S.A. http://www.wetron.es/
Tel. +34 93 5883004 (Ext.133)  Fax +34 93 5883007

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