[Lazarus] Permission denied error with Firebird SS on OSX

Moshe Berlin mosheberlin at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 27 03:29:03 CEST 2009

Thanks Graeme,
Checked those issues, and did get it working with both FlameRobin and FPC/Lazarus! 

From: Graeme Geldenhuys <graemeg.lists at gmail.com>
To: General mailing list <lazarus at lazarus.freepascal.org>
Sent: Monday, April 6, 2009 2:09:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Lazarus] Permission denied error with Firebird SS on OSX

2009/4/6 Moshe Berlin <mosheberlin at yahoo.com>:
> How about this error msg from Flamerobin in Linux?
> Our Firebird works fine in Windows with Delphi, but we'd like to convert
> everything to FPC/Lazarus/Firebird in Linux
> ------------>>
> context:database::connect
> message:isc_attach_database failed
> sql message: -923
> can't format message 13:77 --message system code -4
> engine code :335544421
> engine message: connection rejected by remote interface
> <<------------

I guess you would have to Google those error codes to see if they
reveal anything. Google for Interbase as well, seeing that Firebird
was folked from Interbase.

What is your connection string?

Local or Remote connection style?
  eg:   "/opt/data/test.fdb"
    or   "localhost:/opt/data/test.fdb"

If the remote connection style is used, to you actually have the
firebird server running as a daemon?
  eg:  ps aux | grep fb
You should see at least two fb????? entries in the output. I think
it's fbserver and fbguard.

How does the windows machine connect to the firebird server?

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit
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