[Lazarus] Multi-threading support in IDE

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Fri Aug 14 13:36:57 CEST 2009

Vincent Snijders wrote:
> Martin schreef:
>> Just out of curiosity, what are we trying to solve?
> <snip>
>> Or am I missing some crucial point?
> 3 idle cores on a quad core CPU. Why pay for a quad core, if Lazarus + 
> FPC use only one? I am still waiting during a compile and those 3 
> other cores are idling. Let them to part of the work to get the job 
> done faster. ;-)
True, but from the point of using FPC and the point of faster 
compilation => this needs a multithreaded fpc.

Running a single threaded fpc in it's own thread (never mind if compiled 
into lazarus, or loaded as process from a thread) will not do much 
(except for one core could do the updates of the message window....
A multi-threade fpc can still be used in a forked process.

As for thinks happening inside lazarus (codetools, search in files,....) 
different story


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