[Lazarus] Multi-threading support in IDE

Florian Klaempfl florian at freepascal.org
Fri Aug 14 13:41:30 CEST 2009

Martin schrieb:
> Vincent Snijders wrote:
>> Martin schreef:
>>> Just out of curiosity, what are we trying to solve?
>> <snip>
>>> Or am I missing some crucial point?
>> 3 idle cores on a quad core CPU. Why pay for a quad core, if Lazarus + 
>> FPC use only one? I am still waiting during a compile and those 3 
>> other cores are idling. Let them to part of the work to get the job 
>> done faster. ;-)
> True, but from the point of using FPC and the point of faster 
> compilation => this needs a multithreaded fpc.
> Running a single threaded fpc in it's own thread (never mind if compiled 
> into lazarus, or loaded as process from a thread) will not do much 

Well, currently this does not help much either because FPC is mainly 
bound to memory throughput if the disk cache is already hot. Resistent 
FPC keeping units loaded would be the largest gain for projects like MSE 
or Lazarus.

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