[Lazarus] Lazarus has unique font sizes

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Sat Aug 15 20:16:28 CEST 2009

On Sat, 15 Aug 2009 20:56:47 +0400
Sergei Gorelkin <sergei_gorelkin at mail.ru> wrote:

> Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> > 
> > User, yes. programmer: no.
> > 
> > As I understood it, the difference is as follows:
> > - Setting size selects the point size of the font, no matter what
> > the DPI is.
> > - Setting height sets the pixel size of the font, and then the
> > correct point size
> >   is calculated (using DPI) so the height is reached.
> > 
> > The second option had to be chosen if you wanted your font to be
> > the same pixel height no matter what the DPI.
> > 
> > Makes sense to me, we only use height at work, never ever size.
> > 
> It should be that way, but font selection in Lazarus editor 
> configuration is simply buggy as hell.

It uses the TFontDialog.

> For me (on Windows XP), initially there is 18 in 'font size' combo. 
> Pressing button with ellipsis displays Windows font selection dialog,
> in which size is set to 14, and the font sample in preview looks a
> bit larger than the font in Lazarus. After closing font selection
> dialog by clicking 'OK' without any changes, the value in 'font size'
> combo changes to -19, and the font in Lazarus preview becomes about
> twice bigger than it was.

Please create a bug report.


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