[Lazarus] IDE editor's NoteBook component problems

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Tue Aug 18 13:43:53 CEST 2009

Vincent Snijders wrote:
> Graeme Geldenhuys schreef:
>> Hi,
>> What could be a solution so we can position the tabs in the editor. 
>> With wide screen monitors, it will be much more beneficial to have 
>> the tabs on the right edge compared to the default top. No scroll (or 
>> much less scrolling) of tabs will occur.
> What does this have to do with wide screen monitors?

With all tabs in one line, and the fact that the tabs/text is raotated 
by 90 degree, indeed it gets worse if tabs are on the side.
But yes the take one less line on top, and you can see one more line of 
source code......

If you have multipline tabs, then on a widescreen you can stack as many 
as you want on the side.

Or maybe he was hoping that tabs on the side would not be rotated, but 
shown like items in a listbox.
(like "tree style tab" extension in firefox)

Maybe he should have a look at 
http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=13930 that may help him.

Overall it seems there are a lot of people holding a great amount of 
iles open at the same time (sometimes me too).
Having them listbox style on the side could be of interes. especially if 
you could also group them in some way...

But then TNotebook.ShowTabs := false
and add an extension that displays the selection in an otherway.


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