[Lazarus] codetools tooltip showing method visibility

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Tue Aug 18 18:11:13 CEST 2009

Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> A path information would indeed be nice. Especially if you are in a
> nested procedure.
> The statusbar has not enough space for this.
> What about the code explorer?
> A node can be added showing a list of quick jumps. 
> For example when you are in a nested procedure, it can show a node for
> each nested procedure, so you can jump to each level with one click.
> In a class it would show the visibility and the class header.
> On a second thought: Forget it, there is probably already a
> patent for this one-click-to-related-stuff.
It is something a lot of html editors (probably xml too) have. Or 
firebug (extension to firefox) has it too.


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