[Lazarus] Documentation and Help for Lazarus (content)

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Fri Aug 21 12:17:27 CEST 2009

Mattias Gärtner wrote:
> Zitat von Hans-Peter Diettrich <DrDiettrich1 at aol.com>:
>> Martin schrieb:
>>> This is the first problem: how much of the base class to repeat? Or 
>>> how many links does the user have to follow to find what he seeks.
>> In PasDoc2 I imported inherited descriptions automatically, so that 
>> only really overridden behaviour must be documented, when it really 
>> does something different, or when it implements an abstract and 
>> unspecific method. This can also reveal in which class a method or 
>> property has been introduced, when the search starts in 
>> TDerived.ident and the help mentions TBase.ident.
> The fpdoc help of the IDE (mouse hints) shows every fpdoc entry 
> including all ancestor entries and all pasdoc comments, including all 
> ancestor entries.
> We have already a bug report from Graeme that this is too much.

For a hint I agree. Even for a webpage, which is what I was talking about.
hence the question: how much.

I gave an example, which had one phrase giving a very short description, 
of what is explained in greater detail on the inherited page.


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