[Lazarus] StringGrid cell validation implemented
Mattias Gärtner
nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Mon Aug 24 11:09:17 CEST 2009
Zitat von Graeme Geldenhuys <graemeg at opensoft.homeip.net>:
> Jesus Reyes wrote:
>> If you haven't noticed, in 0.9.29 one event OnValidateCell has been
>> added to StringGrid, there is something in
>> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/Grids_Reference_Page#Validating_Entered_Values
>> about how this work which is basically what was requested in the
>> original thread.
> And to reiterate my reply to the original thread. Why is such
> documentation not in the LCL fpdoc format, but rather the wiki?
One reason: no one has explained how to do that.
> Such
> documentation should be located in ONE location only. Scattered
> documentation is just as good as NO documentation. Users have no clue
> what is the latest documentation either. There are some LCL StringGrid
> fpdoc documentation, but it seems the wiki has more information. As to
> which one is newer / more up-to-date, I have no clue!
> PLEASE consider the idea of having documentation in ONE place only.
The important goal is to refer/navigate easily between all documentations.
The wiki contains some howtos and links to further help. The fpdoc
files should have "see also" links to these pages.
And we need an offline version of the wiki pages for download. And
they should be packaged (e.g. added to the windows installer).
Graeme, if you want to move the wiki content to svn, then you need to provide:
- a conversion tool for wikis
- an easy to use export utility (because help must be readable without
installing lazarus).
- a fancy editor
- support for translations
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