[Lazarus] QT binding works!

David Emerson dle3ab at angelbase.com
Wed Dec 2 01:33:53 CET 2009

zeljko wrote:
> David Emerson wrote:
> > qt part. I'm getting about 250 messages like this:
> >
> > /usr/local/lib/libqt4intf.so: undefined reference to
> > `QTabBar::moveTab(int, int)'
> >
> > then "Error while linking".
> Yes, you are using old libqt4intf.so and/or old qt libs.
> Read
> http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/Qt_Interface
> and  you can download latest libqt4intf from
> http://users.telenet.be/Jan.Van.hijfte/qtforfpc/fpcqt4.html
> of course latest bindings works with >= qt-4.5 (just tested released 
4.6.0 and 
> it works) :)

I have libqt4intf.so.5.1.72 which I believe is the latest.

However I also have libqt4 4.4.3 which is < 4.5 mentioned on the 
libqt4intf page.

So it looks like I would need to upgrade my qt4 libs into the world of 
debian testing/unstable, in order to compile laz with qt. This is not 
exactly comfortable, as I'm concerned that doing so could break my kde 
desktop and many apps.

I wish I could have garnered that requirement by reading those pages. 
Though it does list the higher versions of qt4, it nowhere says that I 
would be required to install those versions of all qt4 libs.

I am not sure how it ought to read, but my guess would be something like 

Version info

The latest libqt4intf requires Qt >= 4.5.2

V1.72: 21 Sep 2009: Improved signal hooking/method overriding, 
Windows:renamed types likes HDC to avoid name clashes
V1.71: 15 Sep 2009: requires Qt >= 4.5.2, WebKit improvements 
(qlclwebpage/qlclwebview/qlclnetworkcookie),qlclthread, versioning, 
lclwebkit demo

Thanks for all your help! Maybe some time in the future I will be able 
to upgrade to qt lazarus.

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