[Lazarus] Release 1.0, part 2

zeljko zeljko at holobit.net
Wed Dec 2 10:19:22 CET 2009

On Wednesday 02 December 2009 08:37, Paul Ishenin wrote:

> For 1.0 rc1 we need to fix 1.0 win32 bugs. Maybe not all the bugs in the
> tracker with 1.0 target are really has 1.0 target. But at least we need
> to review all and decide about each of them.
> For 1.0 rc2 we need to do the same but for the gtk2 widgetset. And here
> we need a help of community. We need to close all gtk1 bugs but we also
> need to check wether the bugs are present in our gtk2 interface. If they
> are present then first we need to change their widgetset to gtk2 and
> decide whether they are 1.0 bugs.
> I think 1.0 rc3 will be the last rc release and to release it we need to
> review remain 1.0 IDE bugs.
> This is my view of road to 1.0 and it can differ from ideas of other
> developers.

It's nice view, but it takes only bugfixes into account.
1.0 should be interface freeze also. So eg. docking should be added to 1.0 
It's easier (not easy but easier !) to fix bugs when we have clear vision of 
interface look.There's enough diff between 1.0rc1 .. 1.0rc3 to make interface 
changes if needed by those bugs.


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