[Lazarus] Release 1.0, part 2

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk sanliturk at ttmail.com
Wed Dec 2 10:29:18 CET 2009

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> Rigel Rig wrote:
>> Delphi in 2011 will be on a Linux and Mac, and very rarely Delphi
>> programmer will go to Lazarus.
> I very much agree! Lazarus v1.0 non-beta <wink> must be out before
> Delphi has cross-platform support. The advantage of Lazarus over Delphi
> will seriously diminish after that.
> Regards,
>   - Graeme -

I think , it is not necessary to have so much fear because my 
expectation is that Delphi will not be able to compile any Windows 
application directly to Linux or Mac natively . Using Mono is not a 
cross platform development and it is not a new service because it is 
already possible to use it .

You may remember Kylix .

When I assumed that I would compile a Delphi program with Open Kylix , 
my biggest surprise  was the error message about

  < missing unit : Windows > .

Then , my suggestion : Do NOT worry on this subject .

Actually , the most severe problem of Lazarus is its dependence on 
external libraries for user interface . A native widget set is the most 
urgent problem to obtain stability . My idea is the necessity of 
dropping GTK and Windows dependency and switching to a manageable ( by 
the Lazarus developers team ) widget set such as fpGUI as default when 
it is usable in all platforms . Another step may be : Take GTK and all 
of its dependents and supply to these to users with new names to prevent 
confusion with other installed GTK libraries , and pursue user interface 
on this adopted and maintained ( by the Lazarus developers team ) GTK fork .

I am using 2008 May ( trunk ) FPC 2.3.1 and corresponding Lazarus on 
Windows XP .

When I tried FPC 2.2.4 with its corresponding Lazarus , it gave me an 
empty form without any component . Then I reverted to back . Later on ,
I read similar complaints in some messages by other users .

Thank you very much .

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk

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