[Lazarus] QT bindings as defalt (was Release 1.0, part 2)
Phil Hess
macpgmr at fastermac.net
Wed Dec 2 21:06:03 CET 2009
----- "Graeme Geldenhuys" <graeme at mastermaths.co.za> wrote:
> > The subtext is that with Delphi you can pull off the hat trick of a
> > 2.3 million line app that sells for big bucks and where the client
> > does not tolerate bugs or instabilities or excuses. Can anyone make
> > that claim for Lazarus?
> Well, our application is not quite that big, sitting around 300,000
> lines of code at the moment. Our product also sells well (I'm still
> employed <wink>), and has an install base of over 15,000 computers.
> So
> yeah, I don't think we are doing to bad considering we are not using
> a
> commercial product like Delphi, but rather open source software like
> and Lazarus.
Well, I guess you can say you're within an order of magnitude of that 2.3 million lines.
By the way, Delphi 2010 compiles that 2.3 million lines of code in 70 seconds, including linking and creating a map file.
The 2.3 does not include any Delphi RTL/VCL source or 3rd party components.
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