[Lazarus] Undo for Form Designer

Juha Manninen juha.manninen at phnet.fi
Mon Dec 28 23:53:03 CET 2009

On Mon, 28 Dec 2009, Mattias Gaertner wrote:

> On Mon, 28 Dec 2009 09:36:40 +0100
> Hans-Peter Diettrich <DrDiettrich1 at aol.com> wrote:
>> Since my last experiments with the Lazarus documentation I have a big
>> wishlist.
>> 1) Updates
>> I've applied many updates to the LCL documentation, mainly with regards
>> to docking. It would be nice to have SVN write access to the docs
>> folder, because I'm pretty sure that nobody can/will check documentation
>> patches before checking them in.
> You can send to me.
>> 2) Structure
>> IMO all documentation should reside in $Lazarus/docs/, regardless of
>> packages. I.e. when I want to document the IDE and related packages, the
>> files should go to an docs/xml/ide/ folder. Paul instead argues that the
>> documentation should stay together with the (package) sources - but this
>> might cause problems in finding documentation at all, fpdoc path
>> maintenance etc.
> The opposite.
> fpdoc paths are automatically maintained with the packages. If you put
> them somewhere else the maintenance will cost more.
> The search is done by the chmviewer or eventually directly in the xml
> files.
>> Eventually all documentation (about packages, tools etc.) can be stored
>> in independent SVN projects, which are added to /docs/xml/ as subprojects.
> ?
>> 3) Packages
>> We should have at least documentation skeletons for all packages, so
>> that everybody can see what's missing. I'm willing to create the
>> skeletons, when their integration into LazDE is established (see below).
>> Can somebody try to create a documentation skeleton for any package,
>> based on e.g. an .lpk file, that can be opened for further edits in
>> LazDE? I found no way to do so yet :-(
> What do you mean?
>> 4) LazDE
>> LazDE has a nice GUI for adding bulk documentation, or for filling the
>> gaps left by the FPDoc editor. Unfortunately I achieved, somehow, that
>> LazDE cannot open any package documentation any more, and also not the
>> new documentation created with FPDoc Updater. At least should it be
>> possible to add existing XML files to a package, as long as LazDE cannot
>> create documentation for packages and all contained files itself.
> Please create a bug report.
>> 5) FPDoc
>> The FPDoc editor is nice for adding help on the fly, but not easily
>> usable for reviews. Switching amongst the tabs is nasty, I'd appreciate
>> an option to expand the tabbed view into something like the LazDE GUI,
>> where short and long descriptions can be seen at the same time.
>> It would be nice to have kind of an import feature in LazDE, so that
>> 6) FPDoc Updater
>> I've added some remarks to the wiki. Main question: how to create a
>> documentation package, compatible with LazDE?
>> 7) 64 bit
>> Dunno remember where, but at least on documentation tool deserves fixes
>> for 64 bit (cast between LongInt and TObject reference)
>> All in all I feel a need for better integration of the various
>> documentation tools. Who ever will try to create documentation for a new
>> package or project will see the many problems...
> I guess Michael welcomes patches for LazDE.

Sure. Or at least detailed error reports so I can fix things.


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