[Lazarus] speed of SynEdit [Re: Wiki pages suggestion - feature comparison]

Martin Friebe lazarus at mfriebe.de
Sun Feb 22 23:21:29 CET 2009

Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:
> Martin Friebe schrieb:
>> If you use GTK1 or 2 you should use a font that is monospaces, and 
>> exists in this size for bold and italic too. (And you must not use 
>> ExtraCharSpacing). Otherwise there may be a slow down in painting. Yet 
>> this can not be compared to other Editors, unless they allow the usage 
>> of proportional fonts too, and they too force those into a grid.
> The effect is not related to any settings, after startup the editor 
> works fast. It may depend on the number of applied changes or jumps 
> across files or bookmarks, or on the number of symbols in the units, 
> i.e. size of the according (history) lists.
If it builds up over time, I am a bit clueless.

2 things I can thing off:
- Codetools (but that should not affect scrolling), but Codetools can 
collect more and more info, using more memory. (AFAIK)
- Memory management. SynEdit uses a TStrings attempt (IMHO a 
gaped-buffer would be more efficient). So it may re allocate a lot of 
Memory. That could upset the memory management.

Both are *not* very likely candidates...

You can try to reduce the amount of undo steps. Or compile with/withou 
heaptrc (leak checker) => some people reported that other apps gained 
speed *with* heaptrc.
(But I don't really think it's memory mgmt)

> The effect is boring, even if I only navigate through the source code 
> with the cursor keys :-(

This bit sounds like a problem with painting the window. Which OS / 
Widgetset are you using?

You have not mentioned anything, so I just verify, it is nothing that 
has become worse since 0.9.26 (or within 2009) ?

Best Regards

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