[Lazarus] TPairSplitter vs. TSplitter

Marc Santhoff M.Santhoff at web.de
Tue Jun 2 08:43:04 CEST 2009

Am Montag, den 01.06.2009, 11:22 +0200 schrieb Marc Weustink:
> Marc Santhoff wrote:
> > Am Montag, den 01.06.2009, 08:58 +0800 schrieb Paul Ishenin:
> >> Marc Santhoff wrote:
> >>> Is TPairSplitter buggy? Or gtk2?
> >> Gtk2. It happens with other controls too.
> >>
> >>> Summing up I want to know:
> >>>
> >>> Is it a good idea to go on using TPairSplitter or if I should better
> >>> switch to TSplitter?
> >> Previosly we thought to remove TPairSplitter. TPairSplitter uses 2 
> >> panels + splitter on other than gtk/gtk2 platforms. Therefore it adds 2 
> >> unneeded window handles. This makes your form more heavy - it needs more 
> >> os resources, positioning and resizing requires more operations.
> > 
> > I'd vote for removing, if in the end it happens to be a bad decision to
> > use it because it is not fully funtional (combined with gtk2) and with
> > TSplitter there is an alternative.
> At the time we implemented TSplitter, I voted to keep the TPairSplitter. 
> If I look at my uses of a TSplitter in most cases I need something as a 
> TPairSplitter. Which means that I need to use 2 TPanels myself. I think 
> there are more users needing this.

I'll have to learn more about the usage of TSplitter to finally decide.
But the use of two panels was the reason why I selected TPairSplitter -
without knowing exactly if TSplitter can do the same. I'll see when I
re-design the form in question.

But the missing *visual selection handles* (those little black squares
showing up in design mode, *not* system ressources) are a constant
source of mistakes while designing the form.

> IMO, a widgetset can do this more efficient with some native control (1 
> handle), than using 2 panels (3 handles). So I still think it has its 
> need, and imo it doesn't have to get deprecated

The system ressources are no problem at all, me thinks. If an
application has one thousand forms they will surely not be created all
at once. I never heard of any exceptions or errors because of missing
handles since abandoning Windows 95/98.

Marc Santhoff <M.Santhoff at web.de>

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