[Lazarus] TPairSplitter vs. TSplitter

Marc Weustink marc at dommelstein.net
Mon Jun 1 11:22:13 CEST 2009

Marc Santhoff wrote:
> Am Montag, den 01.06.2009, 08:58 +0800 schrieb Paul Ishenin:
>> Marc Santhoff wrote:
>>> Is TPairSplitter buggy? Or gtk2?
>> Gtk2. It happens with other controls too.
>>> Summing up I want to know:
>>> Is it a good idea to go on using TPairSplitter or if I should better
>>> switch to TSplitter?
>> Previosly we thought to remove TPairSplitter. TPairSplitter uses 2 
>> panels + splitter on other than gtk/gtk2 platforms. Therefore it adds 2 
>> unneeded window handles. This makes your form more heavy - it needs more 
>> os resources, positioning and resizing requires more operations.
> I'd vote for removing, if in the end it happens to be a bad decision to
> use it because it is not fully funtional (combined with gtk2) and with
> TSplitter there is an alternative.

At the time we implemented TSplitter, I voted to keep the TPairSplitter. 
If I look at my uses of a TSplitter in most cases I need something as a 
TPairSplitter. Which means that I need to use 2 TPanels myself. I think 
there are more users needing this.
IMO, a widgetset can do this more efficient with some native control (1 
handle), than using 2 panels (3 handles). So I still think it has its 
need, and imo it doesn't have to get deprecated


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