[Lazarus] 64 bit compiler
Mattias Gaertner
nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Mon Jun 8 00:17:08 CEST 2009
On Sun, 07 Jun 2009 16:55:58 -0500
"Terry A. Haimann" <terry at HaimannOnline.com> wrote:
> I ran Lazarus and got the output, don't know what it means. The
> program in question is just a toy program that accepts a few TEdit
> fields and uses that info to calculate the area under the Bell
> Curve. All I did was try to put an event on the button and thats
> when it gives me the error.
>[...]### TCodeToolManager.HandleException: "unit not found: StdCtrls" at
> Line=9 Col=3 in
> "/home/terry/Documents/Lazarus/BellCurve/bellcurveunit.pas"
Check project / project inspector:
Is bellcurveunit.pas listed there?
Is the package LCL in the dependencies?
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