[Lazarus] jQuery interface for fcl-web

Bee bee.ography at gmail.com
Mon Jun 8 02:59:46 CEST 2009

> (I saw something about a cgi-connection or something?)

ExtPascal has CGI gateway which accept request and forward it to an
FCGI application. You may look at how it works here:

> Extpascal is nice, but Ext JS is dual-licensed, which is a problem for
> some people. And it's fcgi-only. (I saw something about a cgi-connection
> or something?)

I could understand if ExtJS license becomes problem for some people.
But I don't understand why FCGI is the problem, unless you want to
host your application in common web hosting that doesn't provide FCGI.
I myself moved from Powtils to ExtPascal because it supports FCGI
(long before fpWeb supports FCGI). I got significant performance boost
and enhance my development productivity because I can debug it as if
it's a normal (desktop) application.

> And it's not that hard, in fact it's easy. The difficult part is to
> write an javascript-framework, but when it's already there.. building an
> interface is easily done. Especially if the fcl-web is used as the basic
> building blocks. Then apache-modules, cgi and fastcgi are supported
> out-of-the-box.

I agree.

> So I've made a simple proof-of-concept. I didn't think the design
> through, a lot can be changed. It's not only nound to jQuery, it should
> be possible to use other javascript-frameworks. First version used
> Qooxdoo, but I didn't really liked it...

Why don't you like qooxdoo? I thought it's the best alternative for
ExtJS despite it's not yet released as v.1 (like Lazarus). It's code
is neat, it's OOP is good (in fact IMO it's closer to object pascal),
it's widget collection is quite complete, it's theming is easy and can
be done through code, and it's development is pretty active. I'm about
to working on it after ExtPascal is done with ExtJS v.3.0.

jQuery doesn't have widgets as much as ExtJS or qooxdoo, CMIIW. jQuery
development, because its popularity, scattered through out plugins.
Sometimes we got inconsistency look and behavior of their widgets
because it's developed by different and uncoordinated people.

> for those who want to know how it looks like:
> http://menora.cnoc.nl/extern/jquery/fpcjquery.psp

Nice! BTW, it's funny people keep using .psp extension for pascal web
applications (pascal server page?). I also use .psp extension! :D


has Bee.ography at:

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