[Lazarus] Trunk cannot compile. Missing unit 'PropEdits'

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Fri Mar 13 09:02:45 CET 2009

2009/3/11 Antonio Sanguigni <a.sanguigni at gmail.com>:
> But now I have another issue I cannot understand, I mean that units of my
> BOM cannot find tiOPF units, even if I added tiOPF package into this new
> project. Of course, test project with tiOPF package added worked fine.

I have no idea. Such cases work for me. Alternatively you can use the
following source code directory layout.  I use this layout in our
current company project and it works perfectly as well.

   docs                            <=  global project documentation
   bin                               <=  binary files get created here
   src                               <=  contains common units like BOM
      sub_project1            <=  contains .lpr file and project1 specific units
      sub_project2            <=  contains .lpr file and project2 specific units
      sub_project3            <=  contains .lpr file and project3 specific units
   resources                    <=  any files like *.bmp, *.png etc.
used in projects

Projects 'project1', 'project2' and 'project3' use the '../' Other
Unit Path (-Fu) entry to find the common units in 'src' directory.
Each project also has the 'tiopf' Required Package added to find any
tiOPF specific units. Each project also generates it's executable in
the 'bin' directory use the compiler option: -FE../../bin

I hope this alternative method help you if the packages option doesn't.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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