[Lazarus] Placing a TProgressBar into a TStatusBar
cobalt747 at mail.ru
cobalt747 at mail.ru
Fri Mar 13 23:51:40 CET 2009
Здравствуйте, Andrea.
I think, now it is no way to associate some control with
TCollectionItem-descendant like TStatusPanel
I make it with OnResize event by updating it's coordinates.
Вы писали 14 марта 2009 г., 0:02:36:
> Thanks, it works.
> Just the Left property seems to have no effect, the ProgressBar is
> placed on the left corner ot the StatusBar1, like having Left:= 0.
> There's a way to associate a ProgressBar with a TStatusPanel?
> I tried using this code, but nothing happens:
> procedure TForm1.StatusBar1DrawPanel(StatusBar: TStatusBar;
> Panel: TStatusPanel; const Rect: TRect);
> begin
> if Panel = StatusBar.Panels[1] then
> with ProgressBar1 do
> begin
> Top := Rect.Top;
> Left := Rect.Left;
> Width := Rect.Right - Rect.Left - 5;
> Height := Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top;
> end;
> end;
С уважением,
Cobalt747 mailto:cobalt747 at mail.ru
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