[Lazarus] Trouble with PostGres access
Joao Kho
joao.kho at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 18:43:29 CET 2009
Maybe need copy PostGre libary (files) to your working folder or your
Lazarus folder, like pqsql.dll, libeay32.dll and another dll popup on error.
2009/3/19 ArĂ Ricardo Ody <ari.ody at japinfo.com.br>
> I'm running Lazarus 0.9.26 under windows XP pro SP3.
> I know that in a machine named japi29 in the internal netword there
> is Posgres installed.
> When I open PgAdmin postgres client in my machine I see for
> databases. The database that I want to access is name Conversor.
> Okay. I create a new project and add a TPQConnection and type
> "Conversor"(without quotes) in the DataBaseName property, I type
> "japi29"(without quotes) in the hostname property. When I choose true
> in the Connected property I receive first the message:
> It wasn't possible to locate the ordinal number 2824 in the dynamic
> link library LIBEAY32.dll
> (this is a translation of the message. it was written in portuguese
> here in my machine)
> After click OK, I receive tehe message:
> Cannot load PosgreSQLclient. Is it installed? (libpq.dll)
> Well... What do I do to access PostGres databases?
> Please. May someone help me?
> Greetings from Sao Paulo - Brazil
> Ricardo
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