[Lazarus] Stored Procedure and Returning Values

Kamil Walas kamilwalas85 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 23:36:21 CET 2009

With regard to my 0013298report ( http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=13298#c26380 ), this is my comment about the "Trim Spaces Style" located in the editor options.

In my opinion, the "Caret or Edit" mode should be the default mode although each mode listed there is reasonable/logical to be the default. The reason is merely because of the objective of FPC & Lazarus project.

FPC is a multiplatform compiler which emulate Delphi, and Lazarus is a multiplatform IDE for FPC. Its consequence is that default behaviours of Lazarus editor should follow Delphi editor whenever possible, especially in basic functionalities.

In fact, almost FPC/Lazarus users are either former or still Delphi users; and I tend to presume that at least a half of them (including me) are lazy in finding out and memorizing the default behaviour differences between those two editors.

What do you think, guys?

Thank you,

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