[Lazarus] Stored Procedure and Returning Values
Eduardo Lopez
dar_alle at yahoo.com.ar
Sat Mar 28 18:32:56 CET 2009
The way is:
select * from ZnajdzKodKreskowy (....
//Asign parameters
//Read the results
This "open" the query and you can read the result from the stored
procedure (or loop reading it).
If you use 'Execute procedure ...' you must use qry1.ExceSQL because in
this case is for Stored Procedures that don't returns result.
Are you tried to do the "select * from ZnajdzKodKreskowy (...." in the
SQL query analizer (Flamerobin, IBExperte, etc. etc.)?
It works there?
Your Stored procedure is "selectable" ?
I am a newbie too in Lazarus and have the same question some time ago,
and this list help me too, so i can confirm that this is the way :-)
Kamil Walas escribió:
> Hi,
> I try before but it didn't work. This procedure work if Ido
> 'Execute procedure ZnajdzKodKreskowy (:Kod, 0, 0, 0, :IleCyfrSprawdzac) '
> but if I do
> 'SELECT * FROM ZnajdzKodKreskowy (:Kod, 0, 0, 0, :IleCyfrSprawdzac)'
> I got nothing. It simply doesn't work that way.
> Code with:
> qry01.SQL.Text:= 'Execute procedure ZnajdzKodKreskowy (:Kod, 0, 0, 0, :IleCyfrSprawdzac) ';
> qry01.Open.Active := True;
> I get erreor: 'Statment cannot be performed on non-select stetment' or
> something like that and I must do
> qry01.ExecSQL;
> but I don't know how to get returning parameters in that kind of
> instruction.
> Kamil
> Eduardo Lopez pisze:
>> Hi,
>> you must do a "select * from ZnajdzKodKreskowy (:Kod, 0, 0, 0,
>> :IleCyfrSprawdzac)"
>> The example:
>> qry01.SQL.Clear;
>> qry01.SQL.Text:= 'select * from ZnajdzKodKreskowy (:Kod, 0, 0, 0,
>> :IleCyfrSprawdzac)';
>> qry01.Params.ParamByName('Kod').AsString:= 'AAA';
>> qry01.Params.ParamByName('IleCyfrSprawdzac').AsString:= 'BBB'; // I
>> don't know what type are your paremeters :-)
>> qry01.Open;
>> MyResult01:=qry01.FieldByName('Jest').AsString;
>> MyResult02:=qry01.FieldByName('Zlecenie').AsString;
>> MyResult03:=qry01.FieldByName('...others...').AsString;
>> qry01.Close;
>> Have a nice weekend!
>> Eduardo.
>> Kamil Walas escribió:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have stored procedure in FireBird:
>>> EXECUTE PROCEDURE ZnajdzKodKreskowy (:Kod, 0, 0, 0, :IleCyfrSprawdzac)
>>> RETURNING_VALUES (:Jest, :Zlecenie, :I1, :I2, :I3, :I4, :D, :I5, :S);
>>> I was trying to get returning values to lazarus code, but I couldn't. I
>>> find out that there is no StoredProcedure element from Delphi. How could
>>> I get this values? I would be pleased if someone wrote an example.
>>> And sorry for my English.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Kamil Walas
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