[Lazarus] Stored Procedure and Returning Values
Kamil Walas
kamilwalas85 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 28 20:45:40 CET 2009
I didn't wrote it explicite, I use FlameRobin and in SQL query with
SELECT I got nothing but EXECUTE PROCEDURE returns some rows.
Using FlameRobin:
row with data
with data
I don't know how to get result rows from 'EXECUTE ..' in Lazarus.
Execution this code:
I got:
'SQLQuery1: Cannot open a non-select statement'
I think the problem is that my procedure is not "selectable" and I
don't know to handle with it.
Is there a way to construct a SQL statment to be "selectable" or use
different code in Lazarus?
Eduardo Lopez wrote:
> Kamil:
> The way is:
> select * from ZnajdzKodKreskowy (....
> //Asign parameters
> qry1.open
> //Read the results
> This "open" the query and you can read the result from the stored
> procedure (or loop reading it).
> If you use 'Execute procedure ...' you must use qry1.ExceSQL because in
> this case is for Stored Procedures that don't returns result.
> Are you tried to do the "select * from ZnajdzKodKreskowy (...." in the
> SQL query analizer (Flamerobin, IBExperte, etc. etc.)?
> It works there?
> Your Stored procedure is "selectable" ?
> (http://firebird-with-delphi.blogspot.com/2007/07/fb-selectable-stored-procedure.html)
> I am a newbie too in Lazarus and have the same question some time ago,
> and this list help me too, so i can confirm that this is the way :-)
> Regards
> Eduardo.
> Kamil Walas escribió:
>> Hi,
>> I try before but it didn't work. This procedure work if Ido
>> 'Execute procedure ZnajdzKodKreskowy (:Kod, 0, 0, 0, :IleCyfrSprawdzac) '
>> but if I do
>> 'SELECT * FROM ZnajdzKodKreskowy (:Kod, 0, 0, 0, :IleCyfrSprawdzac)'
>> I got nothing. It simply doesn't work that way.
>> Code with:
>> qry01.SQL.Text:= 'Execute procedure ZnajdzKodKreskowy (:Kod, 0, 0, 0, :IleCyfrSprawdzac) ';
>> qry01.Open.Active := True;
>> I get erreor: 'Statment cannot be performed on non-select stetment' or
>> something like that and I must do
>> qry01.ExecSQL;
>> but I don't know how to get returning parameters in that kind of
>> instruction.
>> Kamil
>> Eduardo Lopez pisze:
>>> Hi,
>>> you must do a "select * from ZnajdzKodKreskowy (:Kod, 0, 0, 0,
>>> :IleCyfrSprawdzac)"
>>> The example:
>>> qry01.SQL.Clear;
>>> qry01.SQL.Text:= 'select * from ZnajdzKodKreskowy (:Kod, 0, 0, 0,
>>> :IleCyfrSprawdzac)';
>>> qry01.Params.ParamByName('Kod').AsString:= 'AAA';
>>> qry01.Params.ParamByName('IleCyfrSprawdzac').AsString:= 'BBB'; // I
>>> don't know what type are your paremeters :-)
>>> qry01.Open;
>>> MyResult01:=qry01.FieldByName('Jest').AsString;
>>> MyResult02:=qry01.FieldByName('Zlecenie').AsString;
>>> MyResult03:=qry01.FieldByName('...others...').AsString;
>>> qry01.Close;
>>> Have a nice weekend!
>>> Eduardo.
>>> Kamil Walas escribió:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have stored procedure in FireBird:
>>>> EXECUTE PROCEDURE ZnajdzKodKreskowy (:Kod, 0, 0, 0, :IleCyfrSprawdzac)
>>>> RETURNING_VALUES (:Jest, :Zlecenie, :I1, :I2, :I3, :I4, :D, :I5, :S);
>>>> I was trying to get returning values to lazarus code, but I couldn't. I
>>>> find out that there is no StoredProcedure element from Delphi. How could
>>>> I get this values? I would be pleased if someone wrote an example.
>>>> And sorry for my English.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Kamil Walas
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