[Lazarus] IDE UI consolidation (was: Re: lfm as pascal)

Bogusław Brandys brandys at o2.pl
Wed May 6 09:14:25 CEST 2009

Paul Ishenin wrote:
> Alexander Klenin wrote:
>> If there is a general agreement, I can prepare detailed proposal for
>> consolidation,
>> but as a quick sketch:
>> 1) "Find procedure" should be merged into "Code explorer"
> What is "Find procedure"? But since I dont use it I am not against :)
>> 2) "Find in files", "Messages" and "Code observer" should be merged together,
>> with interface most resembling "Find in files"
> "Code observer" shows IDE hints which IDE builds on the fly. "Messages" 
> appeared only after some actions mostly with compiler. "Find in files" 
> is also not a process which IDE do without demand. It is difficult to 
> imagine how you want to combine them together.
> If you want to just add tabs to the Messages window then I am not 
> againts. But maybe just better to dock Code explorer window into source 
> editor? Then you will see "Code observer" all the time.

Excellent idea ! I think it should be true for any window to dock or put 
on top. Lastly I debuged asm code and had to click on Windows menu to 
bring registers window back on top to see how EDX changed. Very 
annoying.In fact under win32 it could be a few lines of code to make 
window stay on top but somehow it didn't work (Form.Handle is not 
correct WinApi HWND or something is messed with window parameters in 
runtime by LCL).Maybe docking will be better.

Best regards
Boguslaw Brandys

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