[Lazarus] Delphi editor clone

Hans-Peter Diettrich DrDiettrich1 at aol.com
Fri Nov 6 06:51:06 CET 2009

Martin schrieb:

> All fine and good. But it doesn't help, unless you convince the fpc 
> developers.

Right :-(

> Eventually the new Version of FPC will be used, and eventually all code 
> has to be able to be compiled with it....

I have several suggestions:

- apply the new rules only in $mode Delphi
- use an (global) switch to treat Inc/Dec as macros or operators
- introduce new Incr/Decr macros, to reduce required editing of legacy code

> For the moment though, you are right. I can not really complain if it 
> doesn't work for me, simple because I use an unreleased fpc version.

Can't you configure Lazarus to use the old fpc compiler?

> do 
> you think it will be fixed before release?

I'll have to get a SVN version of fpc, before I can start fixing my code...
And if so, I only will replace Inc/Dec by my added Incr/Decr macros. You 
can do so yourself, already. Feel free to update my code accordingly :-)


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