[Lazarus] Generate "app" in Mac OS X

dmitry boyarintsev skalogryz.lists at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 13:38:17 CET 2009

2009/11/10 John Coarsey <jcoarsey1 at yahoo.com>

> Sorry for this basic question but have  loaded up Lazarus and can build and
> run under IDE. What is the file extension of the app (or Mac equivalent of
> the exe)?  I have looked through the Wiki but could not find the answer (or
> overlooked it more likely).

just like in most unix systems, Mac OS X executables have no extension.
i.e. "project1.exe" is win executable, but in mac it would be  "project1"

But in OSX, GUI applications are presented as application bundles.
Application Bundles are structure of directories and files treated by system
GUI tools (i.e. Finder) as a single File.

You can read more about it here:

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