[Lazarus] Lazarus Goal

Brian Prentice bprentice at webenet.net
Wed Nov 11 20:37:51 CET 2009

On Nov 11, 2009, at 10:32 AM, Hess, Philip J wrote:

> Looks cool, although I don't know what it's doing.
> I'll take a look at it tonight on my Macs. Since you're [thankfully]  
> not using the Win API anywhere, this app really should work. If not,  
> then that likely means something not right in the underlying Carbon- 
> based widgetset used on OS X. Note that it's still considered  
> "beta". If we can track down what doesn't work, a bug report should  
> be filed.
> What exactly doesn't work on OS X?
> The files look like they haven't been touched (or compiled?) in a  
> while. Did you test with on Mac?


I wrote the Lazarus version of SquareCell sometime ago.  It is a  
stripped down version of this Delphi program:


I did test the program with version on my Mac.  It seems that  
the mouse events and status bar don't work correctly.  Since  the  
menus on Widows XP and OS X behave differently,  the program needs to  
be rewritten to use buttons rather than menus to control the  
simulation and use menus to simply open dialogs.

I needed  a CA simulator for my Mac and my original plan was to use  
Lazarus and FPC,  but since that didn't work I wrote this Java program:


which I use daily.

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