[Lazarus] Astronomy Software

John jszcmpr at netspace.net.au
Mon Nov 16 00:49:06 CET 2009

Terry A. Haimann wrote:
> For what it is worth I have created a project on SourceForge 
> (http://sourceforge.net/projects/messier/) with my Astronomy Program.  
> It is a basic Observing Planning and Logging Program.  It is of course 
> written in Lazarus (I converted it from Delphi) and got most of the 
> Algorithyms from "Practical Astronomy with Your Calculator" By Peter 
> Duffet-Smith.
> There are two major things I would like to add to it:
> 1.  Using a report generator instead of Printer.Canvas.TextOut 
> Statements.
> 2.  I would like to merge it with Planetarium Program. I could do this 
> with Cartes Du Ciel 2.76, but not the newer SkyChart and since my 
> primary audience is going to be Linux Users, I really don't want to 
> use a Windows App.
I am curious to know why you can merge it with Cartes Du Ciel 2.76, but 
not  3. 0.x.x ?  (I presume that is what you mean)


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