[Lazarus] Code Metrics and Project Analysis

Graeme Geldenhuys graeme at mastermaths.co.za
Tue Nov 17 10:29:20 CET 2009

Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> > make[2]: *** [../../units/i386-linux/qt] Error 1
> The important lines are in front of this message. Please send all the
> messages.

This is the only message I see. The debug output window is empty.

Perhaps I could get more info by compiling from the command line (as 
opposed to using "build lazarus" within lazarus) but I can't figure out 
how to get "make clean all" to use the qt widget set.

I did install libqt4-dev (libqt4-core was already installed) but it 
hasn't made any difference.


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