[Lazarus] Using latest FPC devel version with Lazarus

Juha Manninen juha.manninen at phnet.fi
Sat Nov 21 10:56:40 CET 2009

On lauantai, 21. marraskuuta 2009 01:43:48 Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Nov 2009 14:34:29 +0200
> Juha Manninen <juha.manninen at phnet.fi> wrote:
> >  $ cd <lazarus_directory>/tools/install
> >  $ ./create_fpc_rpm.sh nodocs /path/to/your/fpc/sources/fpc
> >
> > It worked and compiled the whole FPC and created packages.
> > However, it also created an src package (fpc-src-2.5.1-091119.i586.rpm).
> That's only needed if you want to recompile the rpm, for example to
> pass some extra flags or for security reasons.
> > Does it mean that the next command is not needed:
> >
> >  $ ./create_fpc-src_rpm.sh /path/to/your/fpc/sources/fpc
> This is creating a rpm to install the fpc sources.
> If you use the fpc svn then you don't need this.

Lazarus needs the sources, doesn't it?
Actually configuring Lazarus to use the svn FPC was the only problem now.
I was able to install new FPC and make it work (without using RPM).
I did:  make install INSTALL_PREFIX=~/fpc
and then edited paths in ~/.fpc.cfg
and added path to .bashrc.
After that "fpc" gave the right version info (2.5.1).

However I wasn't able to configure Lazarus "FPC source". It complained that 
the directory doesn't look right or something, and then other errors.
It should be documented in wiki, like "How to use Lazarus with FPC svn 
sources" or something if it really can be done.

I wrote earlier that I will not test this devel FPC now but I couldn't resist 
the temptation... :-)


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