[Lazarus] New feature - View same source in multiple Windows

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Thu Apr 8 16:41:09 CEST 2010

On 08/04/2010 15:33, Alexander Klenin wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 05:41, Martin<lazarus at mfriebe.de>  wrote:
>> You can also view (and edit) the same source across 2 or more windows
>> (Context-Menu "Move to new Window"). So you can look at different locations
>> in the same file, without the need of jumping forward and backward.
> Works good (it is, of course, "Copy to new Window").
> How about "Copy to new tab"? would be handy in some cases

you mean having 2 tabs with the same source, in just one window?
It can be added, but I though it wasn't needed (since you can only view 
one of them at any time)

 From discussions it has emerged, that splitting the space within one 
tab (so you have 2 editors or 2 views in the same tab) would be 
desirable... someday...

if you want to enable tabs in the same window

SourceEditor.pp line 4905 onwards
(and find similar checks in TSourceDraggableNotebook)

     {$IFnDEF SingleSrcWindow}
     NBAvail := False;
     for i := 0 to Manager.SourceWindowCount - 1 do
       if (i <> Manager.IndexOfSourceWindow(self)) and
(Manager.SourceWindows[i].IndexOfEditorInShareWith(GetActiveSE) < 0)
       then begin
         NBAvail := True;
         with RegisterIDEMenuCommand(SrcEditMenuMoveToOtherWindowList,
           Tag := i;
     SrcEditMenuMoveToNewWindow.Visible := not NBAvail;
     SrcEditMenuMoveToNewWindow.Enabled := PageCount > 1;
     SrcEditMenuMoveToOtherWindow.Visible := NBAvail;
     SrcEditMenuMoveToOtherWindowNew.Enabled := (PageCount > 1);

     NBAvail := False;
     for i := 0 to Manager.SourceWindowCount - 1 do
// remove the if below / always registerIDEMenuCommand / and Always 
NBAvail := true.
(Manager.SourceWindows[i].IndexOfEditorInShareWith(GetActiveSE) < 0) and
          (i <> Manager.IndexOfSourceWindow(self))
       then begin
         NBAvail := True;
         with RegisterIDEMenuCommand(SrcEditMenuCopyToOtherWindowList,
           Tag := i;
     SrcEditMenuCopyToNewWindow.Visible := not NBAvail;
     SrcEditMenuCopyToOtherWindow.Visible := NBAvail;

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