[Lazarus] Published interface TWSxxxxxx

José Mejuto joshyfun at gmail.com
Fri Apr 16 13:37:14 CEST 2010

Antônio escreveu:
> And how it is now?
> Antônio

With many buttons, when I open the IDE (only with Form1) already appear
5 buttons, and to each new Form, the Lazarus creates another button. :(

Another problem is that when I minimize one window, the others windows
of the IDE don't follow along to restore, and I have to click in all
buttons in taskbar to restore the windows, one for one.

What has helped me is a patch[¹] of Flávio Etrusco, but I know it has to
improve, and increase the productivity of Lazarus on Linux.

[¹] http://mantis.freepascal.org/view.php?id=15055


Silvio Clécio
programmer ObjectPascal - http://silvioprog.com.br
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