[Lazarus] DocView and FPC documentation release

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Fri Aug 27 15:02:02 CEST 2010

On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 05:55:13PM +0200, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> Download size:
> --------------
> DocView plus it's help file:
>   Linux 32-bit    =  533KB
>   Linux 64-bit    =  446KB
>   Windows 32-bit  =  367KB
> Class Documentation:
>   fpGUI      [fpgui-20100826.zip]    = 0.1MB
>   RTL + FCL  [rtl_fcl-20100826.zip]  = 1.3MB

The rtl.inf downloaded from your site is 2MB, the fcl one is 800kb.
    rtl.chm 2.5MB  the FCL one is 1.3MB. Aside from that, the .INF format
    simply holds less information, see below:

>   LCL        [lcl-20100826.zip]      = 1.4MB

> documentation. LCL class documentation in INF format is a mere 3.8MB in
> size - compare that to the same documentation in HTML format (65MB) or CHM
> format (12.1MB).

This is a bit misleading, since it is not just a matter of format, but
mostly reduced content.  The IPF documentation is generated differently, and
the raw content is simply much less.

As an example I created a screenshot comparison of the TStringlist topic,
with the IPF help inlayed to the HTML/CHM topic:


Note that the html output screenshot was clipped, but the see-also section
follows.  (and is better formattted too, with descriptions for the links)

Note that Classes and other complex type are a special case, but it does
account for the LCL size being so small, since that mostly is classes.

But e.g. the fact that in the html output, see also has an description
and has links on top, goes for every lemma.

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