[Lazarus] Files have wrong owner, root... making build lazarus impossible.
Peter E Williams
foss.game.pascal.developer at iinet.net.au
Sun Aug 29 23:36:14 CEST 2010
Hi All,
I have a new component called Tarraybutton which is meant to display a
grid-like array of tbuttons (actually TGridButtons -- but you could
change it to tbutton for debugging). It compiles fine but when I use it
at design time and change the number of RowCount and ColCount these do
NOT affect the displayed number of rows and columns. This is supposed to
work like a TStringGrid, except with Buttons.
I think that I have forgotten to include the code which tells it how to
display the component. Can someone please help me to debug this
Best Regards,
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
unit arraybutton;
//{$MODE Delphi}
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
{ ------------------------------------------------------------
Author: Unknown +
------ modifications by Peter E. Williams +
suggestions from alt.comp.lang.borland-delphi newsgroup +
suggestions from Mark Meyer in
DelphiProgramming at yahoogroups.com.
This code is freeware and is placed into the Public Domain by Peter E.
( foss.game.pascal.developer at iinet.net.au ).
Version 0.1a - for Lazarus by PEW
Date: 17 June 2010
Added :--------
FRowCount, FColCount: integer;
procedure SetRowCount(r: integer);
procedure SetColCount(c: integer);
Version: 0.04a - by PEW. 'col' changed to 'column'. Setcol changed to
{Windows,}{ Messages,} SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
LcLType, lresources,
TOnArrowKeyEvent = procedure( Sender: TObject;
Key: Word;
Row: integer;
Column: integer;
RowCount : integer; // new
ColCount : integer; // new
var handled: boolean) of object;
TArrayButton = class(TGradButton) { class(TButton) }
IsFocused: Boolean;
FCanvas: TCanvas;
FRow,FColumn, FRowCount, FColCount: integer;
FUseDefaultKeyHandler : boolean;
FOnArrowKey : TOnArrowKeyEvent;
procedure SetRow(r: integer);
procedure SetColumn(c: integer);
procedure SetRowCount(r: integer);
procedure SetColCount(c: integer);
procedure TArrayButton.SetRowCount(r: integer);
if r>-1 then
FRowCount:= r;
procedure TArrayButton.SetColCount(c: integer);
if c>-1 then
FColCount:= c;
Proudly developing Quality Cross Platform Open Source Games
Since 1970 with a Commodore PET 4016 with 16 KRAM
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