[Lazarus] How to create: TButtonGrid descendant of TCustomDrawGrid ? (ik)

Howard Page-Clark hdpc at talktalk.net
Sun Aug 29 13:04:58 CEST 2010

On 29/8/10 10:17, Peter E Williams wrote:
> On Sun, 29 Aug 2010 10:41:53 +0300, Ido wrote:
>> From: ik<idokan at gmail.com>
>> Hi,
>> I've created this component. You can find it at:
>> http://github.com/ik5/linesip-components/blob/master/buttons/untbuttonlist.pas
>> Ido
>> http://ik.homelinux.org/
> Thanks, Ido, I will use your unit. It saves me from reinventing
> it. :-)))
> Regards,
> 	PEW  ;-)))
> Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Ido's custom written component is definitely the way to go.

I found that to get it to compile under Windows I had to change two 
identifiers on lines 179 and 180 of his unit from

  GetControlClassDefaultSize.X  ....Y

  GetCOntrolClassDefaultSize.cX .....cY


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