[Lazarus] Reconstructing Lazarus Website 2: the content

Bee Jay bee.ography at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 08:49:55 CET 2010

I've made a very basic design, just to show off my page layout and  
content structure proposal. It's not yet about the true design (color,  
theme, etc) and the accessories (images, icons, etc).

Take a look at http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/5716/lazwebnew020210.png

On this design, at the toppest is a link bar which contains primary  
content links, search box, and site language selection.
Below it, it's an animated large header which will show some highlight  
features of FPC/Lazarus in rotation.
Below it, left pane is the primary show off contents with full of buzz  
words. On the right pane is the news snapshot.
Below it, it's a large footer which will show *all* available contents  
of the site. It could be some kind of sitemap as well.
Below it, it's a tiny footer which contains some statistic and  
copyrighted stuffs.

Please share your opinions. Thanks.



...making buzzes at http://twitter.com/beezing
...writing stories at http://beeography.wordpress.com

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