[Lazarus] Reconstructing Lazarus Website 2: the content

Paul Ishenin ip at kmiac.ru
Tue Feb 2 09:06:01 CET 2010

02.02.2010 14:49, Bee Jay wrote:

> Take a look at http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/5716/lazwebnew020210.png

Still I think that we must use blue colors. IDE uses blue logo, blue 
icons. Everywhere the blue color dominates. Web site can't be brown but 
everything else blue. And I think that we are not able to change logo 
and all icons to brown in a reasonable time.

> On this design, at the toppest is a link bar which contains primary
> content links, search box, and site language selection.
> Below it, it's an animated large header which will show some highlight
> features of FPC/Lazarus in rotation.
> Below it, left pane is the primary show off contents with full of buzz
> words. On the right pane is the news snapshot.
> Below it, it's a large footer which will show *all* available contents
> of the site. It could be some kind of sitemap as well.
> Below it, it's a tiny footer which contains some statistic and
> copyrighted stuffs.

Everything else looks good for me.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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