[Lazarus] Reconstructing Lazarus Website 2: the content

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Tue Feb 2 16:00:44 CET 2010

Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:
> Marco van de Voort schrieb:
>> I would not use the term IDE, but RAD, and reserve IDE for the textmode IDE.
> IMO RAD is a development model or qualifier ("RAD Studio"), while IDE is 
> a concrete implementation (FP IDE, Lazarus IDE, Delphi IDE). In the 
> given context it should be clear that the "Lazarus IDE" is meant.

I agree.

It can get confusing sometimes, especially when you read a message that
says "I use Lazarus" and what they actually mean is they use the Lazarus
IDE and write LCL based software.

I also use Lazarus, but I use the Lazarus IDE to create web, console and
fpGUI applications - hardly ever an LCL application and definitely NOT the
RAD development model, but rather a pure OOP + OPF model (which completely
excludes DB-aware components).

So explaining somewhere what LCL is, should also be important, and that the
Lazarus IDE is NOT only limited to LCL-based applications, but can be used
for multitudes of project types.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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