[Lazarus] GTK2 EraseBackgound

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Sat Feb 6 09:56:59 CET 2010

On 6 February 2010 10:46, zeljko <zeljko at holobit.net> wrote:
>> But that could also be explain as follows... not as many people are
>> using the LCL-Qt widgetset compared to the LCL-GTK2 widgetset. :-)
> well, over 3500 client machines happily runs LCL-Qt apps

I meant, used by various developers, not a single app deployed to
many. Either way, good to hear that your clients are happy. One more
plus point to FPC & Lazarus. :)

> there's no arguing about anything (was CLX before LCL-Qt).
> I can confirm that quality of LCL-Qt and lazarus qt is better than K3 at

Kylix 3 was crap from the day it was released. :)  The only thing
Kylix 3 still does better than Lazarus+FPC is debugging. I am still
using log files (like I did in the early 90's) when debugging under
FPC+Lazarus - that says a lot. FPC+Lazarus still have a long way to go
in this regard, but they have made some nice improvements it the last
couple of months.

> Goodbye borland,codegear,embarcadero FOREVER.

I've done that 5 years ago, and haven't looked back since. :-)

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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