[Lazarus] Code navigation (was Flex/RIA Framework)

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Tue Feb 9 08:28:47 CET 2010

Hi Lee (and anybody else),

In you flash demo, I saw something interesting in Delphi (sorry, not
related to Flex/RIA) - the code navigation highlighted in the attached

Is that something standard with Delphi or is it a add-on package? I've been
wanting to implement something like that in Lazarus for ages. I remember
Visual Basic 6 also had code navigation like that, and it worked quite
well. While in the editor, you immediately know in which class/method you
are by simply glancing at the toolbar and navigation is easy. I implemented
Procedure List some years back, but I think a toolbar navigation will be
even better. The Editor Toolbar add-on for Lazarus already has some of that
functionality (jumping to intf. or impl. etc.) though.

Anyway, could you tell me more about that feature in Delphi.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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