[Lazarus] Installing lazarus with fpc 2.4.0

Doug Chamberlin dougchamberlin at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 2 05:34:58 CET 2010

IntelliAdmin Support wrote:
> If you already have Lazarus installed, you can simply install the new
> compiler, with the sources...then launch Lazarus. Go to tools, and
> build Lazarus. After the build is finished you should be working with
> the new compiler

OK, I get that. But I don't have Lazarus already installed and I don't 
really want to install it with an older fpc version.

I'm wondering if Lazarus can be installed without also including an fpc 
install at the same time. Seems like a logical thing to have it be 
separate. Or at least an option. But that does not appear to be available.

Doug C.
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